Position Documents
Fire and Smoke Control in Buildings

ASHRAE Policy Statement on Fire and Smoke Control in Buildings
Approved by the ASHRAE Board of Directors June 30, 1977

ASHRAE recognizes that fire and smoke pose a serious threat to life and property. ASHRAE believes smoke and fire danger in buildings can be reduced substantially by proper design, installation, and operation of the heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems and of supplementary air handling systems. It is further recognized that other building systems and professional disciplines outside the scope of ASHRAE must be integrated into any effective solution to fire and smoke control. Accordingly, ASHRAE adopts the following policy:

1. ASHRAE will conduct and sponsor both basic and applied research that will aid in the solution of fire and smoke control problems in buildings, and will develop design criteria for the utilization of the HVAC systems as an integral part of those solutions.

2. ASHRAE will cooperate with other professional disciplines and building code authorities to coordinate the development of the engineering criteria necessary for practical, integrated smoke control systems and standards.

3. ASHRAE will publish pertinent materials, and conduct or participate in seminars as a means of keeping its members, other professional disciplines, and the public at large abreast of the current "state-of-the-art" in fire and smoke control systems and technology for buildings.

Revision Date: Apr. 7, 1998
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