The Student Zone
2003 CADD Architectural and Site Plans

You will be downloading a 2.1 MB self-extracting file and saving it onto a local disk. Once you have downloaded it, you will need to double-click (or execute) the file called stdc2003.exe to extract its contents. The default directory for the extracted files is C: \ashrae\stdc2003, but you may choose to put them anywhere you wish.

The end result will be eighteen AutoCad version 14 files with .dwg suffixes.

Click here to download and save the CADD architectural and site plans. Depending on your browser and its configuration, it may work better to right-click the link and choose "Save target as" or "Save link as".

Revision Date: May 29, 2002
Maintained by: Education
©2002 ASHRAE. All Rights reserved.