The Student Zone
Frequently Asked Questions About Careers in HVAC&R


One of the activities sponsored by the ASHRAE Student Activities Committee at each Winter Meeting is the Student Forum. A panel of various industry professionals is assembled to answer questions from students interested in pursuing a career in the HVAC&R industry. The following is a transcription of questions and answers from the 2003 Winter Meeting held in Chicago. Hopefully, this will help answer some questions you have had regarding this industry, or peak your interest toward a career in HVAC&R.

  1. How much money will we make?
    1. Really, I don’t know, it is really diversified.

  2. What does the future hold for ammonia in HVAC&R?
    1. Very prevalent in food preservation arena, not common in comfort area,
    2. Ice rinks are a common application for ammonia.

  3. What is ASHRAE doing to provide internships to students?
    1. Individual firms are providing internships (5 interns at her firm, good opportunity)
    2. Internships provide best insight into the industry. They are a good opportunity
    3. Chapter SA Chairs are being encouraged to help identify opportunities.
    4. Regional career fairs being formed provide excellent opportunity.
    5. Chapter PAOE encourages and rewards Chapter involvement in internships.

  4. How much of your work is standard AC design vs. “Black box” types of selection?
    1. Low fees are a disincentive to standard design and will drive you to “black box” design techniques. Sell yourself to your client to be able to move further and be more creative.
    2. Every new project is a new project opportunity.
    3. Industrial design work provides more opportunities.

  5. ASHRAE is traditionally a “mechanically” oriented discipline. Are other areas being addressed?
    1. More and more we have to look at the total building. Water is beginning to provide more opportunities.
    2. Look at the technical programs here in Chicago. You will see topics such as clean power, power quality, fuel cells, etc.

  6. What part of ASHRAE focuses on systems development for third world countries?
    1. Formally, no specific group is focused on this area.

  7. What challenges (obstacles) have women found in entering the HVAC&R industry?
    1. I have seven years experience. It is more an age challenge instead of a gender challenge. (Comments such as – “You look like my teenage daughter”). With experience, you will earn trust over time.
    2. Met such challenges by attending ASHRAE meetings and being involved. It takes time to “break into” and be accepted.

  8. Question: What is involved in “Sustainable design” and LEED Certification?
    1. This is a growing area. We started with one certified engineer and now have three. Not every client wants the expense of certification. As a design engineer, sustainable design can be included.
    2. Canada has a parallel program – awareness is increasing and sustainable design is becoming more prevalent.
    3. Industry is asking for green and sustainable designs.

  9. Question: What are good electives to prepare for HVAC&R?

    1. If an HVAC course is available – Control Systems.
    2. A Building Services course (thermo courses).
    3. Writing/English, and the ability to communicate will best further your career. Public speaking/EIT study.
    4. Engineering school is “learning to learn,” not the final answer.

  10. Question: Why ASHRAE and not other professional societies?
    1. ASHRAE is established as the leader supporting engineering, sales and contractors – It provides interaction and diversity all across the industry.
    2. ASHRAE is recognized as the “Industry Standard”.
    3. Education does not stop at graduation. ASHRAE provides continual professional learning through association with other professionals (Technical programs/sessions/committees, etc).

  11. Question: What is ASHRAE doing to address energy in residences?
    1. ASHRAE Standards address residential energy use. Also, Technical Committee 4.1 is conducting a research project to rewrite the Residential Load Calculation manual.

  12. Question: How is ASHRAE supporting overseas students?
    1. Student Activities recognizes the value from international activities. Example: The 2003 Design Competition was for a building in Singapore.

  13. Question: Does ASHRAE see Distributed Generation of cogeneration as solid technologies, or are utilities going to “squash it?”
    1. Several years ago there was much activity in this area, but it has since died.

  14. Question: Some students will be future designers. What does the panel see for future needs/direction?
    1. Creativity, primarily due to increased diversity of the industry.
    2. Ability to be more efficient with our natural resources - ASHRAE has released a position statement for this area.

  15. Question: Do you see limitations on students who earn a Ph.D.? Will they be able to work in industry vs. teaching?
    1. There are many fields for the Ph.D. graduate (1) The PhD can teach (2) An industry example is in the manufacturing/software industries – design for industry.

  16. Question: What do you see for the job market with war/national conflict in today’s picture? Are ASHRAE standards looking for consistency across States?
    1. I graduated in 1991. I see the demand for engineers increasing.
    2. HVAC&R will always be needed, as people demand comfort.
    3. ASHRAE is a 501C3 organization (It cannot lobby). Code bodies are now adopting its standards. DOE states that its codes/standards must meet or exceed the ASHRAE Standard 90. NFPA codes are incorporating the ASHRAE standards.

  17. Question: Who decides time for student breakfast?
    1. No answer provided but lots of laughter.

  18. Question: Is ASHRAE sponsoring job/career fairs? Will such be held in the future?
    1. The SA Committee is working on details to incorporate a job fair into events such as this. Hurdle to date has been ASHRAE non-commercialism policy and this is being addressed.

  19. Question: IAQ – What is being done in existing buildings?
    1. Creation of more awareness by building owners as to filtration needs. Analyze (CFD) sources for intakes on buildings for pollutant sources. More participation by industrial hygienists in the design process. Humidity concerns - “mold”. Many lawsuits relating to mold are significantly increasing its awareness. Insurance companies are placing limits on liability for mold or at times not writing policies.

  20. Question: Number of teams participated in the Design Competition. Are there CADD Standards that should be followed?
    1. Entries start at the Chapter and progress to Region, then to society competition.
    2. Auto Cad is used mainly by architects and their clients. Universities need to get the same focus to best benefit their students.
    3. We use both programs to meet our client needs.

  21. Question: Is ASHRAE involved in alternative energy (solar/wind) generation?
    1. Yes - there is one seminar in Chicago looking at the “Solar Decathlon” competition held last spring in Washington, DC.

Revision Date: March 18, 2003
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