1. Does this chapter, in your opinion, truly reflect the state of the art?
2. Check the description that most nearly categorizes the relevance and balance between theory and practice in this chapter:
3. Tables in this chapter are (check all that apply):
4. Equations and derivations are (check all that apply):
5. The examples given in this chapter are (check all that apply):
6. The figures and graphics in this chapter are (check all that apply):
7. Can improvements be made to the organization and readability of the chapter to help users locate content easily and to enhance understanding?
8. ASHRAE maintains a reputation as the “Standard of the Industry” in HVAC&R matters, with the Handbook series serving as its “bible.” In this context, and on an ascending scale from 0 to 7, please rate your overall evaluation of this chapter as a worthy representative of and contributor to this traditional role:
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